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Save Ukraine in 3D
We launched the “Save Ukraine in 3D” project to save the cultural heritage and architecture of Ukraine with the help of laser scanning and photogrammetry technologies.
We also document the destroyed objects caused by Moscow. Our goal is to preserve the history and cultural heritage, and counter the crimes of Russia. We invite you to join the project and support one of our missions.
Our goal
To create the most complete and accurate collection of 3D models of cultural monuments and architecture of Ukraine. We are working on collecting information about each attraction, including its history, architectural details, and other important facts.
Our team is professionals who have dedicated their lives to preserving cultural heritage, so you can be sure of the quality of our work. We invite you to join our project and support the preservation of the cultural heritage of Ukraine.
Your donation will help us increase our capacity and continue our work on this important mission. Your support will help us not only preserve these sights for future generations but also make them accessible to everyone.
Thanks to our project, we can preserve unique monuments and architecture that suffered from russian aggression. These destroyed objects have great historical and cultural value, and we must do everything possible to prevent them from disappearing without a trace.

One of our missions
Our project is not only technical work on scanning and creating 3D models, but also an important mission of preserving the cultural heritage of Ukraine. We invite you to join our initiative and support our project. Your donation will help us make Ukraine a better place for life and cultural development.
Let's preserve our history together!
Зруйновані об'єкти внаслідок російської агресії
Thanks to our project, we preserve unique monuments and architecture that suffered from Russian aggression. These destroyed objects have great historical and cultural value, and we must do everything possible to prevent them from disappearing without a trace.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the organizations that supported our “Save Ukraine in 3D” project. Your support helps us preserve the cultural heritage and history of Ukraine, and we appreciate every bit of help. Together we can preserve our history and culture for future generations.

Про Нас
Наша команда – це професіонали, які присвятили своє життя збереженню культурної спадщини, тому ви можете бути впевнені в якості нашої роботи. Ми запрошуємо вас долучитися до нашого проєкту та підтримати збереження культурної спадщини України.
Ваша донат допоможе нам збільшити наші можливості та продовжити роботу над цією важливою місією. Ваша підтримка допоможе нам не тільки зберегти ці пам’ятки для майбутніх поколінь, але й зробити їх доступними для всіх.
Завдяки нашому проєкту, ми можемо зберегти унікальні пам’ятки та архітектуру, а також ті об’єкти які постраждали від російської агресії. Ці зруйновані об’єкти мають велику історичну та культурну цінність, і ми повинні зробити все можливе, щоб вони не зникли безслідно.