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Project customer
The museum is named after its founder – Alexander Bleshchunov (1914-1991) – a true resident of Odessa, a famous and talented climber, brave soldier, traveler and caring collector. All his life he collected things from around the world and wanted his collection to be available for viewing, so he bequeathed it to Odessa.
But because the items in the collection were very diverse in both origin and purpose, the owner was worried that the collection would be fragmented in different places. Therefore, he made every effort to create a single museum.

Tasks of the project
Create a virtual gallery of rarities of 28 monuments in 3D. To this end, to carry out 3D digitization of museum exhibits stored in the Odessa Municipal Museum of Personal Collections. O.V. Belshchunov and belong to the national cultural heritage and belong to the State part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine, as well as:
- ensuring their preservation in its original form;
- for the possibility of carrying out restoration work on these exhibits if necessary;
- possibility to view on the web platform in 3D format;
- augmented reality (AR) viewing capability.
Results of 3D digitization
Ways to complete the task
After talking with the customer, we decided to use photogrammetry technology, which allows you to get high detail and authentic appearance of museum exhibits. After 3D digitization using 3D modeling, we performed optimization of scanned 3D models.

Applied technologies
Agisoft Metashape
Autodesk 3ds MAX
Adobe Substance 3D Painter

3D Digitization Process

Exhibition of digitized 3D exhibits
3D models of rare exhibits were shown in the Odessa museum
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